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Ledger Farms AS A COMPANY


Smart contract platforms and cryptocurrencies have captured mass attention but still have not been able to achieve mass adoption due to scalability and user experience issues. Our network aims to solve the problems faced by investors which are still in process of providing themselves a skillful way of profiting while hedging the financial markets. We are redefining how money is being moved, spent and invested. We are powering the Future of Money by creating powerful solutions for good returns on assets.

Today Ledger Farms is a private limited investment hedge farming company founded and registered in UK. Incorporated since 2012, evolving the way digital asset investments are made in the industry. Management in our team ranges from various skilled analysts in value investments of the stock market to partnered companies and private clients.


Ledger Farms Limited is a crypto hedge fund with these:


Since the Ledger Farms Network's core focus is on mass user adoption, it is ideal to make a deep dive into the technical architecture from where the user should start a journey. Our investment packages range from basic to compound investment packages to suit your income. We automate arbitrages, provide exchanges with liquidity both CEX and DEX incentivizing liquidity providers (LP) to stake or lock up their crypto assets in a smart contract-based liquidity pool. These incentives can be a percentage of transaction fees, interest from lenders or a governance token (see liquidity mining below). These returns are expressed as a return of interest (ROI). As more investors add funds to the related liquidity pool, the value of the issued returns rise in value. other services. Investments can also be made in cryptocurrencies, which include: Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT. Immediately you execute account funding we immediately hedge your position opening a bear and bull position with our swift graphed strategy to enable you earn in the market in every cycle without losing the value of your asset. With a team of experts and professionals in Risk Management and Liquidity, Business Management, Hedging, and others, we bring an alternative investment vehicle that employs a variety of strategies to generate alpha strategies for their accredited investor clients.

Ledger Farms Limited puts your cryptocurrency assets to work and earning. We don’t only support crypto assets but as well traditional assets ie TESLA, NIO, AMD etc. Ledger Farms was founded by aboard which drafted out a strategy of helping you grow their individual assets providing a negotiable contract in a period of asset holding ranging from liquidity mining, market making, staking and business funding. We have the management services for investors, businesses, and private clients, with a proven track record that always ensures that every investment was worth it. Licenses and approvals are assured in all jurisdictions, the company and its subsidiaries intend to operate in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations and obtain the necessary licenses and approvals.

This means that the development and roll-out of all the initiatives described in this whitepaper are guaranteed. Regulatory licenses and/or approvals are likely to be required in a number of relevant jurisdictions in which relevant activities may take place. It is possible to guarantee and we give assurances, that we heed to contractual agreement within the particular timeframe of contract. This means that the initiatives described in this whitepaper would be available in certain markets. In addition, the development of any initiatives of this project is intended to be implemented in stages. During certain stages of development, the project may rely on relationships with certain licensed third-party entities. If these entities are no longer properly licensed in the relevant jurisdiction, this will impact the ability of the company to rely on the services of that party.


whereby you get -50% off your plan if you subscribe to a SHORT-TERM package and full access to your plan if you subscribe under our ANNUAL package. NB: You can withdraw your earnings which are posted weekly within duration of your plan and your deposit only at the expiration of your contract.


NYSE one of our biggest partners providing us the feature of traditional assets farming for the stock traders so as for them to get to retain their stock value while they earn

Binance has kept their words in providing us a huge access to the crypto space projects enabling us the flexibility of good yield returns, swift payments, coin staking and liquidity availability.

Ledger Farms AS A PROTOCOL

Ledger Farms is a protocol, launched September 2014. Because of its nature, it will exist for as long as the crypto space does. Designed with simplicity in mind, the protocol provides an interface for seamless exchange of cross chain asset/tokens. By eliminating unnecessary forms of rent extraction and middlemen it allows faster, more efficient exchange. Where it makes tradeoffs, decentralization, censorship resistance, and security are prioritized. There is no central token. No special treatment is given to early investors, adopters, or developers. Asset/Token listing/trade activity is arbitraged throughout data interaction with data oracle servers that provides the best market rate for users. All smart contract functions are public and all upgrades are opt-in. This site will serve as a project overview for - explaining how it works, how to use it, and how to build on top of it. These docs are actively being worked on and more information will be added on an ongoing basis.

We achieve extremely efficient trades by implementing the swap invariant, which has significantly lower slippage for stablecoin trades than many other prominent invariants (e.g., constant-product). Note that in this context allows stablecoins which refers to tokens that are stable representations of one another. This includes, for example, USD- pegged stablecoins (like DAI and USDC), but also ETH and sETH (synthetic ETH) or different versions of wrapped BTC. For a detailed overview of the StableSwap invariant design, please read the official StableSwap whitepaper. We allow staking which creates a pool which is essentially a smart contract that implements the swap invariant and therefore contains the logic for exchanging stable tokens. However, while the pool implement the swap invariant, they may come in different pool flavors. In its simplest form, a pool is an implementation of the swap invariant with 2 or more tokens, which can be referred to as a plain pool. Alternative and more complex pool flavors include pools with lending functionality, so-called lending pools, as well as metapools, which are pools that allow for the exchange of one or more tokens with the tokens of one or more underlying base pools. These pool interaction are done by our chain connection with a wide variety of trusted pools in the space from on chain to off chain. CEXS to DEXS

Collateral Assets

ie off chain assets like the stock asset backed token. These are generated, backed, and kept stable through collateral assets that are deposited into vaults on the Protocol. A collateral asset is a digital asset that holders have voted to accept into the Protocol. To generate, the Protocol accepts as collateral any asset that has been approved by Ledger Farms holders.

The oracle is in charge of determining price feeds and lending/borrowing rates etc. Ledger Farms TOKEN: By so doing assets are minted into the network by users providing collateral to stake with the Ledger Farms token to create a vault that gives asset minting possibilities for interested parties. These vaults are governed by each individual staking and have their community for retrieval or related activity ie liquidation.

We use LINK as our oracle service, ChainLink nodes return replies to data requests or queries made by or on behalf of a user contract, which we refer to as requesting contracts and denote by USER-SC. ChainLink’s on-chain interface to requesting contracts is itself an on-chain contract that we denote by CHAINLINK-SC.

Behind CHAINLINK-SC, ChainLink has an on-chain component consisting of three main contracts: a reputation contract, an order-matching contract, and an aggregating contract. The reputation contract keeps track of oracle-service-provider performance metrics. The order-matching smart contract takes a proposed service level agreement, logs the SLA parameters, and collects bids from oracle providers. It then selects bids using the reputation contract and finalizes the oracle SLA. The aggregating contract collects the oracle providers’ responses and calculates the final collective result of the ChainLink query. It also feeds oracle provider metrics back into the reputation contract. ChainLink contracts are designed in a modular manner, allowing for them to be configured or replaced by users as needed. The on-chain work flow has three steps: 1) oracle selection, 2) data reporting, 3) result aggregation.

Oracle Selection An oracle services purchaser specifies requirements that make up a service level agreement (SLA) proposal. The SLA proposal includes details such as query parameters and the number of oracles needed by the purchaser. Additionally, the purchaser specifies the reputation and aggregating contracts to be used for the rest of the agreement. Using the reputation maintained on-chain, along with a more robust set of data gathered from logs of past contracts, purchasers can manually sort, filter, and select oracles via off-chain listing services. Our intention is for ChainLink to maintain one such listing service, collecting all ChainLink-related logs and verifying the binaries of listed oracle contracts. The data used to generate listings will be pulled from the blockchain, allowing for alternative oracle-listing services to be built. Purchasers will submit SLA proposals to oracles off-chain, and come to agreement before finalizing the SLA on-chain.

Manual matching is not possible for all situations. For example, a contract may need to request oracle services dynamically in response to its load. Automated solu- tions solve this problem and enhance usability. For these reasons, automated oracle matching is also being proposed by ChainLink through the use of order-matching contracts.

Once the purchaser has specified their SLA proposal, instead of contacting the ora- cles directly, they will submit the SLA to an order-matching contract. The submission of the proposal to the order-matching contract triggers a log that oracle providers can monitor and filter based on their capabilities and service objectives. ChainLink nodes then choose whether to bid on the proposal or not, with the contract only accepting bids from nodes that meet the SLA’s requirements. When an oracle service provider bids on a contract, they commit to it, specifically by attaching the penalty amount that would be lost due to their misbehavior, as defined in the SLA.

Bids are accepted for the entirety of the bidding window. Once the SLA has received enough qualified bids and the bidding window has ended, the requested number of oracles is selected from the pool of bids. Penalty payments that were offered during the bidding process are returned to oracles who were not selected, and a finalized SLA record is created. When the finalized SLA is recorded it triggers a log notifying the selected oracles. The oracles then perform the assignment detailed by the SLA.

Data Reporting Once the new oracle record has been created, the off-chain oracles execute the agreement and report back on-chain. For more detail about off-chain interactions

For more information kindly visit:

WEBSITE: http://www.ledgerfarms.net/

E-MAIL US: support@ledgerfarms.net


NYSE one of our biggest partners providing us the feature of traditional assets farming for the stock traders so as for them to get to retain their stock value while they earn

Binance has kept their words in providing us a huge access to the crypto space projects enabling us the flexibility of good yield returns, swift payments, coin staking and liquidity availability.